Terms of Use

Our company reserves the right to make changes to any content or services on the website at any time without prior notice.

The content within the website is presented ‘as is’ without any conditions, warranties, or other terms of any kind, either implied or express. The company disclaims all representations, warranties, conditions, and other terms, whether express or implied, including but not limited to satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and the use of reasonable care and skill to the extent permitted by law.

The information on this website or any product or service mentioned herein is not an invitation to invest in any way, trade in the said items, or enter into a contract with the company or any other entity. The information provided here should not be used in connection with any investment decision.

The company holds the copyright to the content published on the website. Additionally, images, trademarks, and other marks are protected by other intellectual property laws and cannot be reproduced or claimed in any way without the written consent of their respective owners.

If you decide to access any third-party website linked on this website, you should do so with the understanding that the responsibility is entirely yours.